Intern Superpowers

Written by Kristoffer Kvam | Aug 28, 2020 12:34:46 PM

Thanks to Simula Garage and Oslo Met University we have the pleasure to work with 7 students this year. The collaboration managed with practical project work led by study leader Tulpesh Patel.

The projects that ran last semester have both led to implementations on our platform and that is definitely the plan for this semester's projects as well!

Read below about the projects and the students!


Spring 2020 - Real time machine learning pipeline

This project’s aim was to create prototype for an event based data
pipeline based on AWS Kinesis ingesting from our core platform and deliver real time analytics on this platform. The platform was developed together with the team and Ole is now getting the real time work ready for production as part time team intern. This project is the foundation of our new analytics stack. It definitely relates to how the SMOC AI engine works.  

Student: Ole Løchen - I'm a student at OsloMet, on my last year taking a bachelor in IT. I'm developing backend software at SMOC, but I also like working on hardware oriented projects in my spare time.


Spring 2020 - Conversation Studio

This project’s aim was to create an amazing drag and drop flow chart
based configurator for the SMOC AI conversations. Design was done in iterations with the rest of the team and as we speak we are finishing the studio on the foundation that was created in the project. 

Student: Elias Pederstad - Elias 23 years old from Oslo, has a bachelor's degree in applied computer technology from Oslo Met and started a master's degree in Innovation Management at UiO. (Pictured here since he could not reach the group picture session!)


Fall 2020 - Real time machine learning for optimal content

This project’s aim was to create prototype for a real time Machine
learning pipeline on AWS to enable even more advanced analytics and deeper learning in recommendation algorithms. 


Danuson Vasantharajan - Danuson 21 years is the last year of the computer engineering study at Oslomet. In my free time I love playing football.

Dusanth Selvarajah - Originally I come from Harstad, 21 years old, but now I live in Oslo. I am in my final year, as a computer engineering student at Oslomet. In my spare time I do training and photography.

Rizwan Mahmood - I am 21 years old, studying computer engineering and is in my final year at Oslo.

Sebastian Simenstad - Above average interested in cooking (and eating it), playing computer games and playing with code, used to be an esports athlete but stopped having a more relaxed lifestyle.


Fall 2020 - Blockchain ledger to store and manage users’ rewards

This project’s aim was to create a prototype for storing and managing SMOC rewards in a blockchain ledger database.

Student: Kristian Haugerud 


As you can see, our interns are working on very exciting projects. Maybe you want to join next year?